Tuesday 8 February 2011

Salon Maison & Objet, Paris - Glas Italia

New in 2010:

Collection composed of low table-benches, Chaise-longue
Design: Jean-Marie Massaud

These absolutely stunning pieces are achieved by gluing together 3 slabs of smoked glass, so that they look like a joist. The top-seat and the base are in 12 mm thick tempered glass, whereas the vertical support is in laminated glass.

The Chaise-longue has the seat in curved glass, supported by a vertical shaped element. Although the glass junction is narrow, highly resistant structural glueing allows it to handle the weight of a person.

This chaise-longue is particularly unique. When looking at it straight-on, the base almost vanishes leaving nothing but the beautifully curved glass seat hovering in mid-air. Truly an elegant and innovative design.

The collection is completed by removable cushions in a black colour fabric.

High table
Design: Patrick Norguet

This high table is completely realized in 15 mm thick transparent extra-light glass. The prismatic bases are obtained by glueing shaped glass slabs, whose sides are all beveled at different angles.

The top is tempered and rests on the bases.

Series of glass chest of drawers
Design: Patrick Norguet

These incredible glass chests of different types, colours and sizes have a pressure opening system.

The sides and back, realized in 12 mm thick glued 45º transparent extra-light glass, support drawers in wengé surrounded by tempered glass, lacquered in different colours.

The bottom of the drawers is in the same glass finish as the outside.

Low tables
Design: Claudio Silvestrin

These low tables in extra-light transparent glass are available in two different sizes. A complex and innovative curvature, characterized by particularly daring angles and gradients endow the low tables with a great deal of dynamism and plasticity.

The technical innovation is heightened by a very subtle thickness, which give the table and extremely light appearance.

Thanks to a special tempering treatment, the glass acquires an incredible strength.

Other Wonderful Products:

Design: Piero Lissoni

A truly magnificent mirror with a Murano glass frame, achieved through a complex and refined hand-made production process, making each piece unique and inimitable.

The frame is composed of various elements which are fixed to a wall hanging structure upon which a 5 mm thick mirror is then applied.

NEW this year. The Sturm Und Drang can now be fitted with a LED backlighting system, making this stunning mirror even more extraordinary.

Design: Jean-Marie Massaud

These vases are composed of a parallelepiped shaped case, realized in transparent extra-light glass, glued 45º, and an organic shaped ceramic sculpture, supported and contained inside. The ceramic component, available in opaque white or platinum lacquer, is hollow and can contain water. Available in two shapes and sizes.

It wasn't until we saw these vases up close that we realized just how incredibly stunning they were. The platinum finish stuck out most of all.


For more information on Glas Italia, dimensions or pricing, please don't hesitate to contact Avant-Scène.

To learn more about the Salon Maison & Objet in Paris, click here.